Anatomy of Facial Bone

Image taken from
Appearance of Facial Bone in Axial CT Image

CT of Facial Bone
Examination Overview
Protocol Structure
00_FacialBone (Adult)
- Topogram
- Facial Bone NC
- Facial Bone IV
Patient Orientation Registry in System

- Set the orientation patient in system: Head First – Supine
- Position the patient in head first supine position.
- Align the patient in Mid-Sagittal plane of the table.
- Position the transverse laser light beam at the level of 1 inch above head vertex.
Topogram Parameters
- Topogram length: 256 cm
- Slice: 0.6 mm
- Scanning direction: Craniocoudal
- Tube position: Lateral
- Stop the topogram scanning when the scanning reach / pass over the chin
Non Contrast
- Plan the Scan FOV (SFOV) box at topogram image
- Set the top line at the level of head vertex.
- Set the bottom line at the level of mental protuberance.
- Ensure the lateral line to cover patient’s facial superficial structure (nasal bone) and skull.
- Remind the patient to keep still during scanning.

Scanning Parameters
- kVp:
- mAs: Tube Current Modulation (TCM)
- Scanning Direction: Craniocaudal
- Scan Delay: 4 s
- Slice:0.6
- Image Comment: Non Contrast
- Pitch: 0.6
Reconstruction of Non Contrast
Type of contrast used:
- Non-ionic iodinated contrast media
- 300 I mg/mol
Contrast Injection:
- Volume of Contrast Media: 50 ml
- Volume of Normal Saline: 20 ml
- Method of injection: Hand Bolus
Post Contrast Scan Planning
Post Contrast
- Plan the Scan FOV (SFOV) box at topogram image
- Set the top line at the level of head vertex.
- Set the bottom line at the level of mental protuberance.
- Ensure the lateral line to cover patient’s facial superficial structure (nasal bone) and skull.
- Remind the patient to keep still during scanning.
Reconstruction of Post Contrast
Multiplanar Reconstruction (MPR)
Series of Images Send to PACS
- Topogram 0.6 T20f
- Facial Bone NC 5.0 H60s
- Facial Bone NC 5.0 H30s
- Facial Bone NC 1.0 H60s
- Facial IV 5.0 H30s
- Facial IV 1.0 H30s
- Patient Protocol