Workflow For Outpatient Central Venogram

IR responsibilities : Received referral from outside centre.  Give the appointment date to the referral team. Explain the patient’s preparation to the referral team. Ask the patient to bring a physical referral letter on appointment day. Give the patient information and appointment date to angiographer on duty Angiographer responsibilities: Received the information from IR. Key in the …

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Early Appointment Cases

Admin meeting 28/9/2022 had decided: Early appointment – Radiologist/MO who vetted the cases for early appointment need to state the time frame of the appointment. Example: “Early within 2 weeks”, “Early this week”. – If the primary team comes to discuss with the Radiologist/MO to request for an early appointment after the normal appointment date was given, …

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Ultrasound Vetting

Admin Meeting 28/9/2023 had decided : All ultrasound cases except ultrasound will be vetted by MO Phase 2 and above. – Radiographer will put the non-vetted ultrasound cases in the tray located at the reporting room. – MO on duty will take the non-vetted form from the tray. – MO needs to return the vetted form to …

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Mammogram Report Policy

Admin meeting on 28/9/2023 had decided: For LPPKN/IIUMSC cases- report will be ready in 3 working days. For SASMEC cases – report will be ready in 7 working days.

Outsource MRI Cases

In case of MRI breakdown,  kindly follow these SOP to outsource patient to other center/hospital. 2 types of SOP Urgent MRI selected by Radiologist Appointment cases that already be given but cannot proceed due to breakdown. The cases can’t be delayed. Urgent MRI request by primary team The urgent cases request by primary team. Must …

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MRI Cases From HTAA

Key notes: No pediatrics patient will be accepted No cases which need GA or sedation will be accepted. If patient is claustrophobia, the case will be cancelled. No cases which need comparison with old MRI or CT images will be accepted No urgent cases will be accepted Only cold cases will be accepted, unless MRI …

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Registration in RIS For Radiology Cases Done in CT Hybird, Angio Vascular & Endoscopy

Starting for today 5/7/2022, ALL imaging procedures done by using following modalities will  be register in RIS : CT Hybrid OT – CT2 Angio Vascular (OT20) –XA3 Endoscopy (Siemens Lumino Agile) –FL3 Urology procedure done in Endoscopy Suite ( Siemens Uroscop Omnia)-FL2 No radiology request form is needed. Step by step to register in RIS : 1) Radiographer on …

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MRI KIV List Workflow For Primary Team

Primary team responsibilities : To call MRI Suit at 9Am (Morning slot) & 2pm (Afternoon/Evening slot) Prepare the patient every day (Monday to Friday) : Morning slot- fasting start 12 am Afternoon slot-fasting start 9aam